

Today was a rough day… I woke up to depression banging on my door, I had no intentions on opening it, because we all know what it came here for… to fill my head with those mean, cruel thoughts, telling me how I am less than & no one cares to come to my rescue.I guess banging on my door long enough paid off, ashamed to say that I swung it right open might as well come on in and get it over with, let it be quick I’m praying and hoping. Anxiety showed up not too long after… causing me to think uncontrollably, filling my stomach with butterflies, as if these two were not driving me crazy enough PTSD some how snuck in thru the back door, bringing me traumatic memories & what did he do that for?? Now here we are the three of us and I can’t stop crying…. they stuck around for hours and it was no surprise here now comes OCD trying to comfort me, presenting every opportunity for me to feel like I am in control. They all finally felt the need to leave now I can lay down and get some rest, nonetheless I am accompanied by INSOMNIA…. wishful thinking I’d get to sleep…. I am drowning in mental illness and this water is way too DEEP.