

Little Girl With Big Dreams
Once there was a little girl who was broken and torn. She couldn’t find her way out so she would shout and scream unable to control her tears. She would torment her mother unwillingly and unknowingly. She needed help but no one offered her help. Her mother would turn her away from social services. The little girl was often suicidal but she had a dream to become something. She held on to that thought until she grew up in her 20s, she decided to leave and follow her own path regardless of what anybody said. So one day, she packed her stuff and left to move to London just to start over again. Trauma followed her she surpressed and bottled up her own emotions because you know Asian families teach their kids to bottle their emotions so that is what she did. She couldn’t see her own mother suffering, but her mother was already stuck in her own mess unable to get out of it so she would take it out on her children, selfishly. Sadly, it was too late for the little girl with big dreams. Her mother’s words eventually got to her, so self harm is what she did in order to cope with her pain. Needn’t have I had done what I did, because some of us are already healed now. The broken little girl living in supported housing decided that enough was enough and that it was time to go on that journey again, the journey of discovery.
© WarriorWithin