

Hello, Lost Friend
Hello, lost friend.
How are you doing?
It has been a while since we lost touch.
Is there still a place for me at all?

Perhaps, none.

How hastily we have forsaken each other
In this multitude full of substitutes
For you and I,
Nonchalantly knowing well that never
Would we find a unique personality as ourselves.

Most times,
All we need in remembering our close relationship
–A jewel tossed to the pigs– are some lonely nights,
Or when we read our old conversation
With strings of reminiscenes attached to it.

Oh, beloved lost friend,
My recollection of our story
Is an ambiguous painting with
Slashes of brotherhood and trust,
Cuddles, hugs and words,
And a couple others of which I still contemplate
If I should wish they turn to dust.

How I wish we could keep painting our picture,
But it seems our time had reached its marginal reach,
And time, unfortunately, is never generous enough to give
Another of itself.

Yours undeniably,
© Sodimu David