

I love Jamaica, it is my country
The tropical breeze, the luscious trees
The culture and vibe that everyone gives
It makes me feel, this is where I should be
Jamaica is where I am relieved

From traditional folk song to modern music
TVJ shows and comedies
We didn't have that when we were slaves
But now we have time for our families
To be free, lay back and gaze

Life here, now seems so dangerous
With the virus, the killing and corruption
Curfews we have to follow
Or else we will see the destruction
That could destroy our tomorrow

Jamaica is not like back then
People now fear to going out at night
For even to party or to walk
The way we live, give little children the fright
For how big man a stalk

Sometimes I wish I wasn't here
I wish all this could change
Jamaica is my home
It's time to rearrange
The people need to hear the cries, and change there ways

Be grateful, be happy that you're alive
You could have been dead
Let's connect the hearts of our citizens
And celebrate instead
Of shooting and fighting all the time
© Monique Holding