

Memories Shape Our Soul
When life moves forward,
Memories linger, bittersweet,
Heartache in their wake.

Each passing moment,
A reminder of the past,
Tears stain the present.

Yet, amidst the pain,
Strength emerges, resilient,
Life's pulse beats steady.

Through the darkest nights,
Stars still shimmer in the sky,
Guiding us with light.

Though memories hurt,
They hold fragments of beauty,
Lessons to be learned.

Time may never heal,
But it grants us perspective,
Glimmers of healing.

So let the memories,
Be a testament to love,
A tapestry of life.

For in the hurting,
We find our deepest growth,
Strength from brokenness.

And as life goes on,
We carry memories with us,
Treasuring their worth.

In the journey's end,
We'll look back with gratitude,
For the hurt and love.

Life goes on,
But memories shape our souls,
Forever imprinted.

© E S T E L L A