

Written Confessions for Kimberly
I’ll never forget the
First night I began
To become aware of your
Heart-light soul-song…
Unsolicited and unplanned
You foolishly let that
Truth of you shine
Loud and true and it was all to
Help soothe some fool close-friend
Of your new lover
Who despite life’s best warnings
You became fully invested in
And ill never forget when you had
First for real split with him
Thanks to the absolution of
Parole revocation
And you outta blue hit me
Up- about some trivial stuff
I was so glad then
Cause I knew it meant
We would still be friends
It was a few days after that
Post coming to know Chad
When you really let me see
A deeper peek into the vast
Madcap symphony orchestra
That is the magnum opus
Mostly composed of
Your immortal soul…
And you ought to believe me
Easily— as I promise you
I’ll never ever…
forget that long gone
warm June night…
When first I heard your song
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