

Real love is rare !!!!!
Real love is rare; it's not easy to find because it doesn't sit on the surface. It is embedded deep, away from eyes, only to be felt, an experience like no other. And as hard as it may be, you will have to surpass all the people standing in the way of everything you deserve. Each breakup, each heartbreak, and several people you believed you loved will need to be left behind for the sake of discovering someone worthy of all that you have to offer.

In my own life, I learned to grasp the concept of moving on and the rewards in letting go. It didn't come easy. My war-torn heart has seen many battles and, I'll be honest, at times I've felt I'd lost. But as time would teach me, most of the people you meet will not be capable of providing whatever you need that will encourage your heart to keep beating for them and, at some point, you're going to have to learn that your heart is always yours, no matter how often you've given it away.

You will eventually return to yourself; you will somehow find a way back home. And when you get there, you'll have a wealth of knowledge about what to avoid going further. The biggest lessons in love come from the people who aren't brave enough to be honest with your heart. And those lessons can be utilized as stepping-stones across the waters of true love.