

Fake Friends
They disguise to be sweet,
to be lovely and kind,
to be everything,
one can wish in a friend,

but they are so far from that,
they are not ready to listen,
or be concerned about you,
they don't like talking about you,

all that matters is about them,
always about them,
they always wanted to be the one,
who will be talked of,

they don't care about you,
surely they are with you,
for some benefits they see,
they are always a hindrance,

to your success,
misleading you and making you,
think is the right path,
don't follow them,

they only want to make your life,
as misreble as them,
they can break you down ,
you are a diamond,

shinning and shinning,
even in the darkness,
they always get compliments,
all the time,

but if a single person,
compliment you they are always,
so angry that it is them ,
who it is suppose to be given,

leave them with their own,
you are more better on your own,
than to be with them,
#tag yinks
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