

if I was the rain
The last chance
One final try

Please do not fail
You are already pathetic
Pick yourself up
Don't be so overconfident
Just absorb the shit
Untill your feelings are dull
Untill your feelings are no more

Stop shaking
There's no reason to be nervous
Let go
Let it storm over you
Throw away your phone
Just cut contact
You have to make the choice
Get off the train at the wrong station
Stop exaggerating
You do have it alright

Don't think of the problem
Don't think of the solution
So unlikely
So unheroic

If I was the rain,
would you have loved me then?

Look at the time pass
Feel it slipping away
Stand on the highway
Say a prayer
Check if anyone answers
Rip the skin from your hands
Preferably with your teeth

If I was the rain,
would you have loved me then?

© pissprophet