

Two Face Traps
They wear smiles, bright and kind,
Silhouette dances behind the mind.
Whispered words, secrets untold,
Heart sometimes warm, yet truly icy cold.

One face they show, for the world to see,
Other one hides, revel within mysteries.
A friend tomorrow, a foe today,
Bringing joy one day, never a hey
Sowing more and more sorrow every day.

Behind that mask, truths conceal'd,
Intentions that are never quite reveal'd.
With hollow laughs and shallow praises,
Leading through a twisted out maze
Shuts away one with a silenced sharp gaze.

Has an alluring charm that quickly fades,
Trusts misplaced, the game they seldom play.
For it's two-faced- easy to keep, tough to find,
Leaving scars lingering, towards weaker mind.

© TheRetro_Reader