

"Echoes of Wisdom: A Tribute to My Father
In shadows cast by time's embrace,
My father's presence, absent space,
Eight years have passed, yet still I find,
His wisdom guides my heart and mind.

Through labyrinthine trails of fate,
I navigate with steps innate,
His counsel etched in whispers clear, Guiding through each doubt and fear.

When life's tempests fiercely roar,
His voice resounds from years of yore, "Stand strong," he'd say, "with head held high,
In storms, true strength will never die."

In deeds I walk his cherished way,
His legacy my guiding ray,
Though distant now, his love's impart, Guiding light within my heart.

So even as the years unfold,
His memory an anchor bold,
I live, embrace his wisdom's art,
For he still lives within my heart.

© Deifi Lyngdoh