

Do you believe in magic?
Don't tell me the magic doesn't exist, for I will never believe you.
Because have you ever seen,
how mother imprints when she holds her baby for the first time?
How she knows she will do anything, or be anything for the person she doesn't even know yet?
Ever seen, an old couple, fighting and complaining and then kissing each other because they have already conquered the hatred with their endless love?
Or a child's curiosity spiking high as his yet un-molded mind touches the things nobody could even have imagined?
Ever noticed, how the universe conspires to help you?
Or, how you feel yourself fall for a person when you look them in the eyes, completely unguarded?
How a complete stranger matches your crazy and becomes the most dearest?
How the love for your family gives you hope and meaning to life?
Or, how the proudness on the face of your parents stirs something deep inside your heart?
So, don't tell me magic doesn't exist for I will make you believe it does.
The nature around you, that denies taking your life even though you are destroying it.
The human emotions that reach the level which turns one so blind that they forget who they are,
The unstoppable mind which always seeks an answer,
Or the stubborn life, which always finds it's away in the barren lands,
How a cackle of an innocent can melt the hardest of the hearts,
And the great time, which never stops even for the most powerful.
Don't tell me to not believe in magic for you can't reason me into it.
It may be not about dragons and prophecies and spells
But, those flowers and oceanic lives which leaves us bewildered.
And the karma or the repetition of histories and the luck and the coincidences,
And the irretrievable words which escape us and change the world around us.
Don't tell me the magic doesn't exist for I know it does; you just need to have a different perspective to see it.


-wrote it four years ago.
© Samiksha Kemwal