

Divinity Inside out
Something inside arises but this thing cannot be identified.
The subtlety of its existence stands where the truth rests.
Guarding the precious jewels of wisdom, it defeats the lies of the mind.
Awaken it is but only a sleeper misses the call for unity.
All fears surrenders at it’s presence.
The great compassion it brings, unleashes the chains the mind.
It doesn’t analyze life but only observes it.
Keeping a grounded foundation it doesn’t vanishes when resistance comes instead it embraces life as if it was a hug from god for that is where unity lives.
Judgement is not it’s virtue for it doesn’t judge things that are seen but things that are unseen.
The outside world doesn’t disturbs it for it is free like a bird soaring through the air with no restrictions.
Time doesn’t affect it nor reject it but reflects it. It has nowhere to go for it is already there.
The one who hears these word and understands shall be awaken to the truth.