

Forever with you
To Talia
I do indeed remember the days we were together
The days we would laugh and play under the tree shadow
The days we would run away from home to our tree house

These days, that I cherish the most,
Are soon fading away,
I miss your warm smile that lit me up like the brightest star and brightens my day so well like the sun.

Time is going quick on my hands,
And each second of my life,
I cherish the most,
But I need you warmth,
To put me to rest.

My cold hands,
Are writing to you with love, sorrow and compassion, but also with peace, happiness and joy.

But remember,
Do not tear,
For I shall always be with you
In Sorrow, grieve, happiness and in love.
Even if I am in the farthest path of the sky.
Or the lowest path of the Earth,
My heart and soul will still always be with you, no matter where I am.

I hope you understand,

Not really a poem!
Also this letter is made up!