

Writing a poem❤️
Writing a poem,
well its not an easy task..
u have to write something.. that makes the readers blast?!
yep.. i sound really kiddish... trust me...i really am trying hard!! 🙄😂..
well... its not everyones cup of tea, please stop with the test and just laugh!
i had that in me once upon a time though..
chubby little fingers with a leather brown diary.. and hopes of writing poems and stories and novels..filled the big innocent eyes..
but.. well life aint that simple.. atleast not for me..
"Getting a stable job makes more sense, than cooking up stories"
Situations change.. and so do your surroundings.. the little girl grew up.. she was certainly not me..
Taking up science and preparing for jee... a mug of coffee..thats all it seemed.. classes and self study.. ranks and tests.. parents and hopes.. nothing remained beyond these things.
and then suddenly, a thought strikes you.. i have got just one life... and oomph!so much to do!!
You glance at your bucket list... world tour.. purple highlights... donating to orphanages.. writing a bestseller..
Why do they seem to shatter now..just so easily?
well.. i cant write no more.. dont have that in me.. just ask me doubts in pcm.. thats all thats left in me..
it has never been easy writing a poem..
atleast not for me.
© Lavanya Shree