


On this day,
Wild drums beat before you
Over there, the journey began.
Life is playing a chess with you
Strengthen your ways
Along the line with vigour.
Are you going to watch
With one eye on a game?
Then you have failed in dreams
To reality and to minor minute.
Who cares about the atrocities,
That life is a rumour
Uttered from centuries,
That life isn't a journey
Started with care?
The sufferings come
Along the line
With va-va-voom of wealth.
From medievals, life
Started with much mess
There are a lot to
Whisper at a gist of
One's chance.
A lot needs to be known.
Yes, a lot needs to be penned down
In case of repercussions.

The next day,
You will turn water into wine.
You did not know it was coming
Until you later saw it...