

My deals are pure,
Like the snow draping
from the falls of its vapour.
Paving the park
of snow skipper.

The value of my fall hosts
the skipper wants.
The ray of the sun
scatters my friendly stillness.
the warmth kills me away.
that I lost my importance to the skipper.

I am a friend of the skipper!
why not leave my values to stay?
Entering between us
like thunder strikes.
Making me fake in my deals.

I came to stay.
My shine is crying to thy bitterness.
Is there any price in your devilish act?
Besides devouring my pride!

let me ask why you do this.
Can you play the role I am?
Being so jealous to take my values.

We are made of different styles and roles,
that's why I am chosen by the want of him.
Please be positive about my goodness!

You are the one I'm afraid of.
You seize my values so quickly from them.
knowing that isn't my deal.

Please, your presence fears me!
leave me your stay!
I beg your kindness
to my existing compassion.
let me reign and fulfil who I am.

Topsy🥕🥕the Liberian poet
© to pay al-muahaha