

Two Lovers and the Moon
They conjured the planets. They beckoned the moon. They answered the call and convened in their room.

Two witnesses the lovers, lost in each other, finding their answers wrapped In their covers.

He traced the constellations across her fair skin, so never his ship get lost again.

Intertwined in life's purest mystery, unraveling clues, rewriting their history.

With their touch soft as Angel's wings, the seasons change with the pleasure they bring.

Names forgotten in their moment of passion, rebuilding bridges once burned, in their fashion.

Changing their stars in perfect synchronicity, creating worlds, altering impossibilities.

As the Lover's go on and the moon their witness, their body's move in rhythmic hypnosis. Captivating, generating, creating magic, erasing lives far to tragic.

As dawn approaches the moon says goodbye. Tears well in the moons eye, and the memory of what was done this night, the moon smiles and the world is now right.
© Jamielee76