

Nature is Everything
Just listen carefully to what you see and touch and if you do you'll realise that like words, nature speaks.
Nature gives,
Nature takes,
Nature is an epitome,
Without which we can't survive,
For in silence aloud, nature speaks,
And in patience it listens,
To our plight and prayer,
Our success and failure,
And retells our story,
In a historical motion,
To all passing generation.
Nature heals,
More than a doctor,
It operates us from within.
More than a teacher,
It teaches,
Both the new and the former,
And more than a farmer,
Nature cultivate and feed,
And from its habitat,
Do we the inhabitants,
Benefit in every stance.
Nature entertains,
The seas breeze,
And the music birds,
What can replace the
Joy of a sunrise and
the beauty of sunset?
Try an adventurous expedition in the wild,
or witness the beauty of the child.
Nature is the catalyst of wealth,
And the epitome of health,
For nature gives gold and same time herbs.
Nature is like karma,
You can choose to cheat on man,
But never on nature,
For the land, water and air,
Is the reason we live so fair.
For nature is everything,
Nature directs our race and fortunes,
If you doubt ask the seasons?
Nature has power,
For it gives people the ability to rule over its domain,
Nature sometimes brings grief and pain,
Through its misfortunes,
Yet nature is coupled with several adventure,
Meant to be entirely discovered.
Nature is love,
For it never fails and does cleave,
staying closer than a husband and wife, never to leave.
Nature gives life,
itself seems everlasting,
For it has been there for ages.
Nature is history,
Nature is mystery,
its secrets are barely known
Though it shows mankind all they know.
Nature is the mother of technology,
The key to modern economy,
Indeed nature is everything I say.
© DaCosta de Poet