

I know but I still must say something I see a lot I don’t talk about because people would say I’m crazy
I know what coming I’ve watched the skies I’ve seen the purple lightning
I’ve watched the bodies burn
I’ve seen the waiting lines
I seen the judgement table
I know the side I want to be on
U can’t see where I went
So I guess it’s not decided yet
Some say I’m a seer
I say I’m a dreamer
A seeker of God
A seeker of death
A day dreamer
A nightmare addict
I don’t know but I see things
I should not know
I been place I not seen
Saw wars I havee not fought
Burieddy bodies I did not kill
Where do I belong
I’ll I been there’ll
I haven’t been there
Sometimes it’s S sure it not much different
For the places I’ve been
Are the same in the past
As they are in the future
Blood and Bone
Souls burning
Souls dying that never lived
All in the name of human rights
A future where we forgot Our
True Creator why
Because we began to create
Things with no souls
This are not fiction shows
These are dreams
Dreams or nightmares
Of the future
We see it now
Life means nothing
If you don’t agree
I do see the Angels rage
I do see Fathers tears
But what can I say
People think your crazy
But I’m not
Death has a way of letting you see
Letting you see what is coming
Maybe not tomorrow
Maybe not today
But be sure
It comes
And when it does
It will be Father Judging
Humanity destroying
As we do all things
We do unto ourselves