

Great Survival
All these tears
All this pain
All these years
Wasted, the same
All these looks
All these glares
All these crooks
And no one's cared

I'll still be me
I'll still be free
I'll still be the one to part that red sea
I'll still be loving
I'll still be kind
I'll still be something
Even if I go blind

I'll still be okay
And I'll still find a way
I'll still rise up
And be able to say
That life was hard
And life was crushing
But I'll hold onto the light
And turn the dark into something
Hidden in the night

Brusied up and scarred
But surviving is my life
I've turned it into an art
And one day it'll change
And after all of the rain
The sun will finally shine
And all the pain will all wash away
The darkness clouding my mind

And I'll be able to say
That I can see the light
Because I have a mirror
And I can all the shame on my face
And yet I can see clearer
I'm creating that safe space
I'm creating that joy
And one day I'll be great
No longer played like a toy
And I'll sing of the struggle
And sing of the hate
And I'll remind others
How it creates something great

How the dark and the pain
Gives us strength to survive
And how live is worth living
Just keep staying alive

🤍🌹Keep going. Just keep going and never give up. Life is worth it, you're worth it. Just keep going. You're stronger than you think you are. And you're worthy of everything you've ever dreamed of. Keep going. Thank you so, so much for taking the time to read. I appreciate it a lot. Wishing everyone the very, very best🌹🤍


© Sierra321