

Conversations of Darkness 3
POUNDING my head against the brick wall.
Shattering it effortlessly, as if it were glass... traveling violently while fighting intrusive thoughts of self-harm and flying through the dimensions!
Stricken by toxins contained
within malice of the human mind....
Falling freely from all!
Deprived of emotional attachments!
Relying on adverse forces, in high hopes
of restoring purity! The pressure renders
me helpless and settles in my body.

Petrified by the various timeless
effects of this infectious disease.
The screams could not be heard... "If you had to destroy
yourself to save everything... What is left of your morale, you choose to immortalize?"
To believe we fought to the highest honor. For I am confined to nothing more, other than these endless walls!
My soul wondering in depths of broken hearts.
I desire to acquire very honor. We sought in these truths... trials in tribulations from misguided adventures.
Truths that yearn for placement
