

There's always tomorrow,
They try to assure you,
But why wake up,
When I only feel sorrow,

As the sun touches,
The wide open sea,
I close my eyes,
Just struggling to breath,

For how can such,
A mighty being,
Light up the world,
Without me in its touch,

Why must I be forgotten,
I find myself asking,
While everyone is equal,
But lay without me basking,

The rays shine down,
Blinding my eyes,
But it's the sting of my tears,
Making me cry

The same question repeats,
Why wake up,
When salt in the wound,
They rub and rub,

Is it really worth it,
To last another day,
While I get beaten,
In the sun while they lay?

I feel crazy,
Lasting this long,
When it's so easy,
To just be gone,

I try and I try,
I really do,
But it's not good enough,
For any of you,

And so I wake,
In my pursuit to prove,
And work and work,
Pushing through,

Hoping it will get better,
And stop feeling hollow,
Because who knows,
There’s always tomorrow

© plaaaaaant