

Who I am

© Jessica Freeman I just started to wonder if you really know who I am. l would tell you but I may fall short on the details. When I'm with you I get lost in who I think you want me tobe. Evan who you say I used to be. I'm still me,I think. Who I am is many different faces all in one so I never change. If its windy a chill runs up my back. When its it's hot I stay calm because I'm me So at least I seem to be. My mood changes do too heart aches, the loss of a father my Hope's all center around my emotions. Who I am a Mother, A Fighter ,A beginner, A survivor of blows thrown all at once in life by a man's hands are by life's fucked up since of humility that often evan makes my mind stumble on the bold face stupidity of it all. So here's who I am going to be. Stronger,my own hero, a lover that holds on for dear life , a lock and key so I can open doors that will always have a clearer path for me. Now that you know who I am'... Who the hell are you? Are did you just show up to copy me? If so We have the same test but the outcome will never be the same. I am who,I am that will never change.