

The Hand that supports.
Bright beneath the stars and the moon
I walked down a path
Where nothing ends
Was uncertain if I'd survive the challenge
Sorrow underneath my chest
Filled and overcame me like thunder and lightning
Stuck in the moment
I gazed up above the sky
To see if anyone cares
Hopeless and fainted will to move forward
Scars of life that remained seen
Were some of the friends I made
Neither did I decide to live nor die
A helpful,kind, loving hand stretched
When I nearly fell into the deep pit
It shook my hand
Calmed me
Made me realise that everything was fine
Those hands wiped away my sorrowful tears
That would have never stopped if it was too late
Strengthening me,my will and purpose in life
He said,"Son,why are you frightened? I'm here, speak up, I'll comfort you,You were born of purpose,be strong".
Filled with tears in my eyes I replied,"Dad,if it wasn't for you I would have given the world the worst son anyone could have ever had"
Happy Father's Day 🎈

© abrahamchorei