

My dearest wife
I can't express the refreshing sweetness
Of seeing your face, you fill my heart with so much joy, you cover my eyes so that I see nobody else but you

you're my shining armour, my advisor, my strength, your voice is so smooth and lovely that everyday I wanna wake up hearing it...
you're my bud and you bring light in my existence

Shall I kill to prove my love for You?
I've lost my sight but you're my light
I've lost my ride but you're my pride, I swear mountains and oceans aren't that big to fill this heart that loves you from loving you

My love for You is eternal, I swear my parents from heaven are smiling that I too...
They're happy that I'm much more happy that I've someone by my side to cry, to love , to care for

Listen to the buzzing bees rejoicing , that I can finally call you my honey, relax I won't hurt you I'll take good care of you

© ‎Nomsobo ‎Likho