

Red string
Red string

I am holding on one side,
hoping that someone holding it another side,
I am unknown to you,
but known by the faith,
our paths are connected,
we are connected by a red thread,
which lead us to each other.

It's invisible to us,
but holding the visible attraction to each other,
our feelings got tangled by it,
we are already decided by it,
we are only following the process of it.

They says it's rare that you got connected by red thread,
and you will meet the destiny's one,
because it's a rare and pure thing,
they are like other half of you,
they are like soulmate,
they'll hold you until you get tired,
they'll love you until you dead,
they'll be precious and faithful,
because the connection is connected by the heaven.


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#Love&love #LifeQuote #inspiration #faith #Life