

The Gospel
Shackled by the chains of regret,
Of sins found in my past,
Chained to the restraints of yesterday.
Wondering if my strength will last.

The voices come, constantly reminding me
Of everything I’ve done wrong.
If this is what life entails,
How can one attempt to be strong?

Isn’t each day a chance for new beginnings;
Is there no hope in redeeming my life?
Isn’t this all a part of the process—
This pain, this loneliness, this strife?

There must be something more to this,
Must be something, Someone I need.
I’ve tried all the pleasures of this world,
But none have planted that seed.

Nothing fills the gap found inside;
Nothing fills this hole in my heart.
Maybe it’s because, this entire time,
My life wasn’t mine from the start.

I once heard this amazing story
That just happened to change all I knew.
It’s a story about a man, a cross, and a grave
And all the torture, for love, He went through.

It may sound completely outlandish
And even unbelievable,
But history has backed the validity of
This story called “The Gospel”.

There once was a man named Jesus—
He was fully God but also fully man—
Who came down from heaven’s glory
To do what only God can.

He was sinless and perfect in all things;
Like Him, there’ll never be another.
He taught us to love God with all our hearts
And that we are to love each other.

He was put to death on the cross,
A death that was never His to bear,
But He died with eternity in mind,
Knowing that He wanted us there.

He rose from the grave three days later,
Defeating sins hold on me and you.
For reconciliation back unto our Father,
There’s only one thing we must do.

Accept His being. Accept His love.
Accept His sinless sacrifice.
Repent from within. Turn away from sin.
Avoid temptations that entice.

We will never be perfect in this life,
But we are covered by blood that is.
This life, we believe, was our own,
But by His sacrifice, now became His.

Trials won’t cease and pain won’t leave,
But endurance and hope will thrive.
Where we once felt alone and drowning,
His peace will help us survive.

You were made for a purpose in life;
Reading this isn’t accidental.
Jesus waits for you to accept Him
And His story known as “The Gospel”.

-Brett Andrew Heard
February 05, 2022
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