

A Life In Chains

Poverty, a hungry lioness that Roams the land, seeking its prey
With eyes that gleam like embers
It stalks its victims, day and night

Its claws are sharp, its teeth are bright
It devours hope, and leaves only night
It ravages homes, and leaves bare Leaving families to face the glare
Of empty plates, and hollow eyes
Of dreams that wither, like a dying sigh
It snatches joy, and leaves pain
And leaves the poor to suffer, in vain

It creeps into homes, like a thief in the night
Stealing dignity, and leaving only fright
It lurks in alleys, like a shadow on the wall
Waiting to pounce, and make its victims fall

And when it does, it leads to despair
A never-ending cycle, with no escape to share
It leads to hunger, to malnutrition and disease
To broken dreams, and a life that's on its knees

leading homelessness, to rummaging around streets begging for scraps, and a life that's incomplete
leading to mental illness, to depression and stress
To a life that's devoid of hope, and a future that's a mess
For poverty indeed a lioness
Can be tamed, with courage, and finesse
But until then, it will continue to reign
Leaving destruction, and a trail of pain
And the continuation of suffering, and crying
until it's defeated, and can be live again.
© meena's inspirational books