

Thankful for every friendship

There is a childhood friend, used to play with then outgrow
Separated ways with but we were happy, it was a bliss, color-filled rainbow
Then there's a stranger kid who became a friend
Never got their names, but the memories of kind smiles and fun games remained

In grade school, found games ally
We ran home together, chasing those who made us cry
We were foolishly angry, terribly unshy
"Careless" was cool, some rules we discovered ways to defy

Grade school friends sometimes become our enemy
We forgot what we fought over, but we were masters of throwing crumpled papers aimlessly
Then we settle the problem over a dance battle
And those who lose will be hit by a plastic bottle

Highschool friends taught you how to dress
And how to "fit" and make you feel you don't "fit", you started to feel less
If you are lucky, you'll find a loud friendship that pulls you out of miserable silence
And a friendship that is with you, basking in the serene silence

Some friendship strings are cut without a warning
And it's when you hang on a thread
The path of loneness you tread
It's the time that self-loathe is too appealing

Friendships begin, and it grows, and it dies
But with trust and respect, will live, and will say no goodbyes
If true, will survive, will endure and love found in it is prize
Thankful for every friendship, some hurt but the truest made my chaos harmonized

- February 17, 2024

© Rarity