

His will is supreme...!
Amidst the darkness and the gloomy trees ,
The wind still blows like there is nothing to stop it...
The trees do bend to greet the wind...and still you wonder... is all going to be really okay..?
you doubt yourself but you're doubting God ' s plan too..
Tell me does it has to be so..?
The creator is the destroyer....and trust me...you don't have access to his will..
Rather he has to yours.....
Your will is'nt really yours...it has his mixed suggestions....
which slide into your mind just like a fresh breeze of air...
to calm down the deserted places....
I know it's just we and our pre planned hustles....
but when it's his turn to write down your story...
He does'nt give what you want....
but what's good for you in the long run..
And then here you are..again complaining his decisions...
you can't see what's next.. you can just imagine..
But he even knows the next after next...
That's why sometimes it's better to give all in his hands...and just pray....
That's what enlightens your soul in the darkest of the darkest storms...........

© minisoni