

spirit to soul
If mYStics,
were intrINsic,
We wouldn't nEEd any notion to gO and gEt enlISted,
Fighting a wAR,
For a nation that's slowly lOOsing everyone on their frIENds list.
ME? I'm not confINEd by the smaller trUThs,
ND I knOw I'm to be your wISh but you gone need a scOpe if you want to sEe a cOMet's spEW
You can't denY my coming,
Even if you look behIND, you can see my refLECtion in you rUNnin
MUsic is the mEllow tONE,
suNG to my EArs when I hEAr
All who hUMming.
CAll me cUNning
Go hAM!
when she see mE see hER in the stANds
WAving all of the bANds and ALL she dID for our fAM,
knowing only thEN
will I FInally understANd why she wanted me not to fight, but to fiGHt
to be her mAN.
To not let my morals tAINt my sOUl she fAbled ONe a sAINt
before handing mE her hANd.
© Eg'or