

💔 She was in pieces as she lay in her bed, her heart felt like it was bursting from pain when she thought back to herself, why did it have to be? She questioned herself, why did she have to meet him?
💗 Dreamt of a tall,dark guy. Infront of her stood that same guy, her heartwarming full of joy at the same time confusion and bewilderment it hit her hard deep in her heart and soul, she met her soul mate she thought.
💘 She wondered how she could have lived without him all this long, a moment without him felt as if she was dying.
❣💕 A reflection of her soul stared back at her when she looked in his eyes,
she felt in her blood.
💗 Looking into his eyes she felt it in her heart, her stomach flipped,these feelings are one's she had never had felt before. Touching his fingertips electricity moving through her body taking her out of this world. Unexplainable feeling, nothing sexual but more spiritual, couldn't say spiritual a more beautiful wonderful word to express that she couldn't fathom.She felt those same feelings from him, from his eyes that's what made her hold on.
💖 She wondered how she could have lived without him all this long, a moment without him felt like she was dying. The more you want a reply from someone, the more their silence deafens you.
💔 But then he somehow does not want nothing to do with her, it baffled her, she felt all those feelings how can she alone feel them is she crazy?
💔 At that moment all she felt was empty at the thought of him being away from her and not acknowledging her.
💔💔 How can she move on from this and start learning to trust anyone, now she is scared. As for the first time in her entire existence she felt truly and utterly inlove with someone but he truly broke her.💔💔