

Cold winters
During cold winters I would
like to shiver in your warm black jacket ...
look, my hands are getting colder
will you provide me little warmth in your shelter?

we are husband and wife
nothing wrong leaving job aside
and spending time with each other..
only you, and only your black jacket can provide me warmth every winter

honey, look here!
see how badly I'm shivering of cold..
lend me your jacket as always you do
in every cold winters we come across dew.

I need you to hug me very tight
so tight that you and I both don't shiver..
no, don't cover me up with blanket
cover me with your arms that can provide me warmth and make my sickness away...

'O' these cold winters...
will clear all differences and doubts between you and me.
this coolness in atmosphere will draw us closer and our heartbeatd will palpitate faster.


cold winters by @pachecoveenita