

No need to shed a tear
No need to shed a tear its fine the coast is clear I'm here I happen to have something you need pure love indeed and once I planted that seed I knew that moment our love would blossom into a beautiful love tree the oxygen it creates is only for you and me. The roots are planted so deep like the impression you've made on me and when I look at you and you look at me I see a woman with the soul of a rose a personality made of gold. I know you were sick of the bs in past relationships but I'm kind of glad their puzzle didn't fit cuz I wouldn't be here in this space time and moment face it our souls just fit its like we're a whole just split. So you can stop the worries and the stress just love me for a lifetime thats it I got you in the next just stay as beautiful as I remembered you i wouldn't care where we end up It could be in hell locked in a small room with a burning chair as long as you're there with me to share
© eyez stay dry Gemini