

Stay with Me, oh Me...
Dark one, its time to leave...
I've served you enough and now it's time to put the lights on
The White Witch is back and Anyanwu has coloured her dress with bright lights...
I open the door to you oh Mother
I open the door to you My Chi
I open the door to you My Angels
Let the lights flood in...
I say I have served you enough eh dark one,
My clean energy can now detect you and I now weild her wand, the White Witch'...
I can see that its been lows, and I had to stay high to sail the dark waters...
But the sun is out.... My Angels have flown in and come through...
And now I expel you!
Let there be light and the lurking shadows will disappear...
But stay with me, oh Me...

© A. S. Adaora