

My Father Once Told Me

My father once told me
I could be whatever I wanted to be
Never did i see where i was going,
Nor did he see where id end up
The way I was going was far from where we both invisioned
Approached mistakes of adulthood way to early
Forgot the meaning of progress
Patience of learning
Left distressed
Distractions fed my want of attention
Stranded from my mission and forgot the vision
Abandoned from appreciation
Trials and tribulations came with lessons of strength and wisdom
Bringing me back to a new beginning Forgiving to move forward
Never forgetting the memories
My blessings in disguise taught me value in my life and what is right to accomplish my mission with nothing holding me back but state of mind becoming distracted when the choice comes ive reminded myself it is not my obligations but what are my intentions.
© Lisa Aragon