

speak right.
Have you ever wondered why the devil is keen about destroying you, as close as he was to God before his de-ranking and after he was never given the access to the man's mind, he was the PA of God, has access to everything as head of arc angels but he couldn't read what is what from the numerous abundance of a man's heart, until he speaks (what defiles a man is what comes out of him,guide you mind for from it comes all the matters of life) after he was sent come to the world in conjunction with the curse he got at the garden of Eden (and you shall crawl on your stomach,"cunning" and your food will be dust "man") because man was created from dust we became his food.

However there was a twist, God placed an enemity between the seeds of a woman and the devil's,there is always a 50-50chance for one to attack the other, if you see her seed attack his heel (make him fall, incapacitated him, tempt him as you like) but if her seed finds you, he will crush your head (salvation,healing and deliverance by believing in our hearts and confessing with our mouths that we belong to Jesus to confirm our freedom from the darkness and to receive his marvelous light) hence the devil will keep tempting us since he can't read our minds then he will lay in wait for comes out of our mouth (an evidence to attack him and be justified to please his wicked course).

But instead for us to fall for his cheap tricks we are given the spirit to discern, to watch for angels of darkness in the parade of light, we are given sound minds to process our thoughts, we are given the authority to rebuke the devil and he will flee, to "rebuke" is an "action" that requires the "forces" of "speech", we command him to depart from us, after that we are given the right to trample on snakes and Scorpions and they shall be no means harm us. Hallelujah.
"And now let the weak say I am strong and let the poor say I am rich because of what the Lord hath done".