

long live
As I take this match and set myself on fire, I reminisce about the sad desire that I once carried in my heart
Before it was ripped apart
Before I was sitting in a corner, being a hoarder and holding my mind and thoughts captive
I wouldn’t let them escape
I hated the feeling of being depressed but I loved the feeling of pain that I was feeling
So much that a knife couldn’t hurt me
So much that a lighter couldn’t burn me
I have flaws
I wear my heart on my sleeve and think that the first person who shows me attention will be in my life forever
I set myself up for failure
That’s what I am anyway
A disgrace
A nuance
A disappointment
I’m sitting here on fire, smelling my flesh burn, drinking a beer hoping that this will be my ultimate demise
It seems as if I’m just shedding
Burning off old, torn, dead skin
Vivid daydreaming of where it had began
I’m not dying
My love for pain won’t let me
So now, I suffer
I suffer in my pain
My agony
My depression, with no help
Nobody to turn too
Long live the man I used to me
Long live the man I am now
There’s no difference between the two
I just hide it better

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