

Celestial love
In the depths of space
A love story written in stars

Black Holes
with his pulls so strong
Not even a thread of dress can prolong.

Neutron stars
his kiss so grand,
weight a billion times, on Earth's land.

with his eyes that mesmerize,
Drawing me in, under star-filled skies.

In the Vacuum of Space
his silence profound,
Emptier than anything, on earthly ground.

The Expanding Universe
his love knows no bound,
Stretching beyond, in infinite surround.

Dark Matter
as his sacrifice unseen,
Devoted to me, in world between.

orbiting for me alone
In cosmic ballets, his movements known.

The Big Bang Theory
a surprise in every beat
Moments with him, a celestial feat.

Space Travel
his distance a vast expanse
Yet closer in heart, in each cosmic dance.

Time Dilation
his time spent with me,
In the fabric of relativity, love's eternity.

© Aboorva