

I Loved Her The Way She Wanted
I loved her the way she wanted, with a fervent flame,
Her desires aflame, never a dull sullen tame.
In her eyes, I found a universe untold,
A longing so deep, it could never be controlled.

She yearned for adventure, for passion's embrace,
Her heart a canvas, longing for strokes of grace.
With every touch, she ignited my soul,
In her arms, I found my ultimate goal.

But as time passed, I began to see,
The depth of her longing, that opaque complexity.
For her desires ran deeper than I could know,
A hunger for freedom, an urge to grow.

I loved the way she wanted, with all my might,
But in the end, it was her journey, her dark flight.
For love is not possession, nor it's control,
But a dance of souls, each playing their role.

So I confess, I love her in every way,
Had to let her go, so we may find our ways
For in her wild wanting, she found her truth,
And letting her go I found mine too, uncouth.

© TheRetro_Reader