

Love Diary 🌜🌛
Everytime I see you,
My heart flutters,
My actions conveys message to your heart where I belong.


Everytime I approach you,
I see something in your eyes,
Which tells me to stay away,
Isn't it too late?
Cause your addiction is already setting in.


Everytime you look at me,
I never knew you were blushing too,
All I ever know is that my heart beats for you.


Everytime my heartbeat's up,
My eyes, they look away with excitement,
To be with you in pain and sorrows,
In today and tomorrow,
Can't deny, I'll love you ever,forever.


Everytime you're around me,
My hands keep shaking,
Cause my nerve, it begins to get nervous,
And I taught that you deserve.


Everytime we meet,
I had hundred things to speak,
I had endless love for you,
Pounding in my heart,
Yet ways to show you only few.
And I still did.


Everytime I fell in love,
I can't stop loving,
As if my hands, they're tied,
I taught believing in love prevents my teardrop.


Everytime I saw you laughing,
I saw myself smiling,
Now, it's not the same,
Cause deep inside I'm dying.


Everytime I treat you right,
I still feel like I can't reach your sight,
I loved you so dearly,
Do you have to hurt me so badly?


Everytime you felt alone,
I'm the only one you had,
And so do I?
You're the only one I shared my heart with,
Why don't you do so?


Everytime we come back to each other,
I taught our love is inseparable,
And that our memories are unforgettable.


Everytime you look at me,
I was on top of the world,
I fly high over the sky,
I wish it's not too late,
And you'd open the gate,
Maybe we could have changed our fate.


Everytime I sat alone,
It's you that I think about,
Could things be better if you never doubt?


Everytime we watch the sky,
It looked so beautiful,
Never I taught it's because we're watching it together,
Now that you said goodbye,
The sky looks empty,
Just like how I am now,
Don't you feel pity?


Everytime you push me away,
Time after sometime,
I'll be gone,
Don't regret that we're done.


Everytime we had misunderstandings,
I wish someday we'll be back together,
And create never ending love stories,
The ones most wonderful in our history.


Everytime I'm at a dark place,
I have at least a room with light,
Where hope exist and shadow fades away,
It's like no amount of darkness can overcome a shining heart,
What can I do when yours is dark?


Let's meet again,
Like we met for the first time,
For one last time..

As now my story's being told,
Will you realise the special place you hold?
The little care you showed me,
I'll give you back tenfold.
And the time we spent is well bestowed.

(Thanks for those who read it till the last line🙂💝)

© dehasley