

They saw and heard everything,
They saw how I got bruise after bruises
And heard my screams and cries.
They saw how much he got Everytime he got drunk,
But I still stayed.

I stayed believing it was for them,
Yes..I thought of out
But I wanted them to be in a complete family,
A family with both parents,
But never thought of love.
I never thought about
What they saw would affect them.

I stayed strong,
Believing it was for them.

I remember everytime he got drunk,
Every bruise he increased.
How the next morning he apologized
And made me believe
It was my fault,
How he said I got on his nerves..

I remember how apology after apology
Turned to another bruise.

But not anymore...
I refuse to have more scars because of him,
I refuse for my kids to hear and see my screams and cries again,
I refuse!

© Natasha14