

Same quotes being repeated especially the negative ones are hindering us from being more, knowing more, wanting more. That saying that when people do good no one remembers, but when people do bad its not forgotten well let's change that!!! Let's forget the bad times. Honestly, it can't be that hard right You just don't think about it. Steer your mind in another direction! Positivity, creativity, peaceful tunes or even silence, if you can stand it for a while, and freaking redirect your thought process. I know it works because I've done it. It was the heartbreak that nearly killed me. All that pain was too much to bear so I did not think about it. I turned my hurt into motivation. Craziest thing is that because I did it that ONE time it must have rewired my brain because the bad moments slip away so fast now. I am not obsessing over words or incidents that anger me I learned to simply let it go. Holding on to moments which aren't worth holding onto is toxic and today I am working on living a more healthy life.