

In the valley of dreams
In the valley of dreams
There are many twist and turns
Some lead you into
Valleys of darkness
Still in the dream world
But where darkness prevails
Nightmares thrive
Blood runs free
Where the dead come
To haunt your dreams
In the valley of dreams
You can still be reached
By your past
Good or Bad
The valley of darkness
Reaches out and pulls you in
This is the part
Part of the dream world
That comes day or night
The valley locks
You can’t get out
You sit there with all that’s
Wrong inside your mind
That where the valley
Of dreams exists
Inside your mind
The darkness has no boundaries
It comes day or night
It takes over
Your valley of dreams
Turning to a valley of nightmares
Where you seem to live
You fight the battles of old
You win but you lose
Every time over over
Blood runs
Bodies fall
Night after night
In the valley of dreams
The dark side
Has it place
© Robert prezioso