

Conversation 1
Conversation 1

" My hands move across every part of you, but I can't undress you. The zipper doesn't exist, the buttons leave zero impressions."

" What do you hope to gain when you undress me, will my secrets be revealed you think?"

" But if don't know those secrets how do I believe you, even the most potent honey can become poison."

" Do you think I wish you harm when I feel so connected to you, what would I gain from that.?"

" If you don't wish me harm then why do you hide so cleverly and always out of reach. What do you hide from me when we play these games?"

" You think they are a game but couldn't it just be an intimate bond, one above anyone else. Do you have so little faith even though we are so linked together?."

" Even a chain can have take links that will let the others down, it's hard to believe you so easily. Do you hate me for the way I am?"

" I know only love for you even if you have me and seek my disappearance. I'll remain at your side faithfully, I am loyal."

" Loyal to me or yourself but is that even a question now. I think this is much simpler to understand, we don't have to play the games anymore."

" What do you understand with a face so full of sorrow and pain. What makes you heavy in the mind and silent in the heart."

" You are the pain that had nowhere to go so it endlessly weaved itself inside, seeking refuge. You are the sound of my heart smothered in an ocean full of doubt and self-reflective words never said. They also had no home so they found refuge somewhere relatively warm. You are my child, my depression, my emotions, and my soul. I created you because I didn't have the strength, you are not the poison I am. Because I failed to nurture what I had created and now I dare not trust it. Instead, I ask endless questions when I had all the answers."

The voice I created never spoke again with those sweet words and I realize it's much colder alone. It was created inside of me and given life but it was unjustified and selfishly me. How could I expect you not to use me when I did it first.
© Seekerxxlight