

The fact of how dire the situation could be just scares me of.
I don't know what is it but the fact that HE KNOWS is sufficient to stop this overthinking to a great extent.
I don't want to tell you that things will be fine and it's okay or don't worry.
Rather I want to remind you that no matter what it is you need to know who is there with you.
THE LORD OF THE WORLDS is there by your side ...your CREATOR is there with you ...your only PROTECTOR is there with you.... your only FRIEND is there with you.... your only GUARDIAN is there with you.
AL-GHAFOOR (The Great Forgiver) is there with you.... AL-KHABEER (The All-Aware) is with you...AL-FATTAAH (The Supreme Solver) is there with you...AL-MUHAYMIN (The Preserver of Safety) is with you...AL-LATEEF (The Subtle One, The Most Gentle) is with you...AL-KABEER (The Preserver, The All-Heedful and All-Protecting) is with you..AL-MUJEEB (The Responsive One) is with you...AL-WADUD (The Most Loving) is with you...
When you have no one by your side but you have ALLAH u don't need anyone too.
BELIEVE in HIM and BELIEVE in yourself .
You cannot doubt your capability in a situation like this when u know who is your creator.
You know how strong ALLAH made you by taking you out from those dark days.
You are strong though u don't believe but you are just TRUST HIS PLAN and HOLD ON TO HIM.
You need to know you can and only ALLAH can make you.
Out of the qualities beloved to ALLAH is dua, strength,tawakkul and patience too.
I know the laziness overpower when it comes to these quantities as this is nothing but the whispers and you know that too.
But then ALLAH made you a fighter and THE MOST POWERFUL is by your side.
You need to accept this just like you accept your weaknesses and fragility.
No one is just perfect...we are all sinners...we all are fighting everyday with our flaws just to please ALLAH and it is just HIM who is making us fight this and that is sufficient.
We all make mistakes but the best of the mistake is the one that makes you realise your fault.
We cannot deny the fact that mistakes are those hindrance on our way to growth that polishes one to be worth of that gift waiting for us.
Just don't stop in the path that you have chosen...wait ....ponder....but don't stop on the right...on the growth...u think it to be.
Believe in miracles ... believe that whatever you are seeing infront you ALLAH can change that within the blink of an eye .
No matter how impossible it may seem pray ...pray...pray...and know only ALLAH can make the impossible possible.
Just do your part .
And then there are people who is there with you in whatever way they can be any help .... some you know and some you don't who pray for you even without knowing you're situation...even without saying them to remember you in their dua or expecting anything in return but only for THE SAKE OF ALLAH.
And this gives a hope and it is this hope in ALLAH that will make you through this too.