

She was rare as seeing a full moon in the middle of the day.
Unique as the smell lingering in the air after a rainy evening.
Special as the little snowflakes falling over a town that barely
Ever witnesses snow decorating its streets.

But, what happens when the daylight fades away?
When the moon is not that exceptional thing
That makes you look up and admire its everlasting glowing beauty?

When the scent of the rain goes unnoticed between the crowds
Of people walking through the streets in a hurry,
Trying to get home quickly, worrying
More about not getting drenched badly
By those menacing little drops,
Rather than stop for a moment and actually
Appreciate that messy, yet cozy feeling
Life rarely
Grants us?

When the memories of a snowy day
And those white specks, giving
A new loving color to wear proudly
To the landscape and everything in its surroundings,
Are no longer thoughts worthy
Of saving
By our already weary minds?

Because she might be one of a kind, carrying with her the light of the sky,
But even the most precious, pure souls, end up being
Forgotten as time passes by.
Lost in the deep sea of devoid memories...

© bleeding_on_paper