

Life of a happy Loner
Hey You !
Yes!!! Yes!!
Got it right. You!!

'Mixed Up easyily guy'
More commonly
'Social butterfly 🦋'

It's been many days since I last saw you.

I am myself now.
Happy, contented, free of contention or contradiction of any kind.

Yes, my social media accounts can describe me as a 'Loner guy with huge kinda of attitude'
or 'attitude problem kindaa soul'
'narcissistic kinda persona' now.

Yes, I am a loner being now. But more busier than your so called extroverts or social media buzzer.

Dude, being alone is so much fun.

You can think about you, your priorities, your life's journey so far, your achievements, your frailties, your withdrawal and the cause of your shame.

And most importantly, about you, the cause of your downfall, the cause of your declining health, the cause of your undermining self-esteem.

If you understood this.
You are on the right road of life.
you are a happy loner.

Bravo 👏. You won the match field of life.🧬

Dr. Sunita Sindhu

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