

I live vicariously through books
I'm the main character of every novel I read,
i especially like the most fictitious ones,
They depict so much realness to them,
Plot sometimes vague but in details regardless,
I could pretend I'm the one with all those amazing superpowers,
And a serene attitude that could calm rivers,
I could easily imagine myself to be the beautiful red haired girl, whose green eyes are like the depth of the ocean, yunno where the most beautiful sea creatures lives..?
She's equally smart as she's beautiful,
and her most "difficult" situation..?
she has two gorgeous guys lusting after her, in love with her,
and oh my oh my...the stress of having to choose one of them, what an headache! bummer!

I live vicariously through books,
but only good ones,
I disappear behind the papers, my eyes glued to every word, it's like a cake with different toppings... I salivate,
each scene engraved at the back of my mind, n I memorize them by heart,
in the book, i visited many cities, explored many countries,
and I have two best friends who loves me,
in another, I'm a force of nature, a powerful being, who's very special,
she has the wand to destroy,
A keen eye that could pierce through the most stone cold, and a strength that could shattered the jericho wall,
Yes, I love the moon, it's the only thing
that can compare to the way I love my books, unique.
The end of a chapter,
is the beginning of another's character,
and the start of my new life,
The atmosphere all calm around me,the only tension happening is inside me,
and as i gently sweep cover to cover,
I drift to a place where I find absolute solace,
a place, I fantasize.

p.s I'll edit tomorrow... I'm so sleepy rn, thanks for reading abt my crazy momentos.

p.s edited!!!🤗

© rookie poet